You are in First Guard and your opponent is in Second, and he executes an Unterstich.
Lunge forward and stab the point of your sword down over the his wrist just behind his
left hand. Now wind your sword down into the Second Guard while maintaining contact
with your attacker’s arm. From there, stab upward into his armpit.
Figure 1Figure 2
Figure 1:
Ian (on the left) has started to thrust at Matthew with an Unterstich from the
Second Guard. Matthew is in the First Guard.
Figure 2:
Matthew thrusts down powerfully over Ian’s arm to block Ian’s attack.
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Figure 3Video of complete move:
Figure 3: Matthew winds down into the Second Guard while keeping his sword firmly on
Ian’s arm and completes the technique by thrusting up into Dave's armpit. He should
now follow through by moving up into the Fourth Guard to drive his point home.
copyright 2009 Hugh T. Knight, Jr. All rights reserved.